Norma Woodhead Director and Academic Consultant at AQC, New Zealand


Director + Academic Consultant

Norma’s tertiary education career began somewhat accidentally about 40 years ago when her father (a Teacher himself) asked her to fill in as a tutor for a night-class he was managing.  

As her interest in the area grew, her education career began to take shape. Norma worked as a tutor  in a Polytechnic environment and her roles evolved from tutoring and lecturing to educational policy and quality assurance.  In combining her strengths Norma found her niche as she combined classroom experience with a detailed understanding of the processes and compliance that underpin academic offerings.  Throughout this time Norma worked remotely to gain her Masters in Education from Massey University. 

Having worked within a large tertiary institution as well as for New Zealand’s governing educational body, Norma’s experience evolved into a unique offering which culminated in her starting her own consultancy - Academic Quality Consulting (AQC). 

Norma now leads a small team of consultants for AQC offering specialisations in a variety of areas and an agile team working across New Zealand and Asia Pacific.

Nano Morris  Academic Consultant at AQ Consulting New Zealand


Academic Consultant

Nano began her professional academic career with nationwide work on the reform of the New Zealand apprenticeship system and curriculum.  Her corporate experience with PWC led her to leadership roles within the ITP sector in quality and organisational development.   

Over time Nano’s expertise expanded into senior academic leadership roles within four Institutes of Technology/Polytechnics.  Her consulting work encompasses the spectrum of academic processes including PTE Registration, Quality Management Systems, Programme Approval and Accreditation, curriculum development, staff/team development and research.  Her ability to lead in the areas of both business and academic process enables organisations to develop sound academic processes and programme portfolios.

Nano’s research interests have led to her PhD in the area of foundation education policy and practice in New Zealand. 

Nano’s ability to collaborate and problem solve are key strengths that help to get our clients ‘over the line’ in a wide range of academic and funding processes.


Talent + Recruitment Consultant

Julia has developed a career in Talent and Recruitment field for 15 years, working across various industries including banking, education, and consulting. Her experience working in Europe, Australia and New Zealand has allowed her to take the best practices she has seen globally and adapt these to offer AQC clients.

Julia works with organisations to assess their people capability and propose changes or adaptions to the people structure.

Role scoping and design is another string to her bow, as Julia assists organisations with writing job descriptions for new roles, or revising those that might be outdated. Julia has an ability to simplify HR processes by clarifying job descriptions and refining performance review templates making them effective and easy to use.

Julia also offers recruitment assistance when you need to build your team, working with organisations across the full recruitment lifecycle, from advertising and screening to interviews and offers.